Flour coming out of our ears at the moment. Fill y’er boots! Call us on 0117 902 0060 (opt 1) We also have our scrumptious seasonal Fruit and Veg boxes available all day today. Here’s what’s available: Apples Artichokes Asparagus Aubergine Avocado Bananas Beetroot (Bunched) Blueberries Broccoli Butternut Squash Cabbage (Savoy) Cabbage (Hispi) Cauliflower Carrots Celery Chard Courgette Cucumber Fennel Garlic Herb Bunches Kale Kiwi Leeks Lemons Limes Melon Mushrooms Flat Mushrooms – Oyster Onions Oranges Pears Parsnips Peppers Green Peppers – red & Yellow Potatoes Baking Potato sweet Potato All Rounder Raspberries Satsuma Shallots Spring Onions Squash Butternut Strawberry Swede Tomatoes Cherry & Heirloom Tomatoes (Salad) Tomatoes (Big Plum for cooking) #shoplocal #independent #nochangetoosmall
Sunday 19 Apr 20