Nice little reminder by @justacard #repost @justacard via @PhotoAroundApp IT’S TOUGH being a small business! Wonderful in so many ways, but tough too. There are SO many things you can do to lend a hand, and actually these apply to the campaign too. Small gestures make a HUGE difference. In the same way as us saying small sales add up, so do LIKES, RETWEETS, and comments. I always (@sarahhamiltonprints here ) try to Retweet people’s events because it helps them promote them – just as an example. Another issue above is ‘free stuff and mates rates.’ Unless you run a small business you probably don’t appreciate how tight margins are. If you have a salary and can afford it then INSIST on paying your friend, because it is tricky for them to ask and especially so if it’s something quite small. They would feel uncomfortable asking you for a fiver or so – but actually that fiver is often make or break – and it’s stock they’ve had to buy or make. Be considerate. Much of JUST A CARD’S message is about trying to make people think. To appreciate that small gestures make a HUGE difference. That LIKES, COMMENTS and RETWEETS are kind and generous. (We at campaign HQ often see this as you actually thinking about US – if you help with the campaign by retweeting etc it gives us more time to do our own businesses) That helping people promote their events etc is SO appreciated. So let’s have a collective group hug. Let’s all, whether you’re a small business owner or not, make an extra effort today to help & support others. Because what goes around comes around – don’t you think?! What do you think of the list above?! We’d love your comments…👇 FAB IMAGE and fantastic content too from: @thegirlsmeanbiz #shoplocal #shopindependent #independentshop #independentstore #supportsmallbusiness #supportindiemakers #supportshopsmall #supportsmallbiz #smallbusiness #supportyourfriends
Sunday 15 Jul 18