@nutcessity Man At Work.. I blend my #organic #plasticfree nut butters in my parents’ converted back room using @essentialtrading ingredients in Warwick, then I seal, label, batch code, date & pack into boxes. I then drive to Bristol & sell them to the lovely folk of the South West, thru the likes of @zerogreenbristol @southvilledeli @harvestbristol @betterfoodco @wildoatsbristol & @foxandwest172 as well as @tfsundaymarket of course 🙂. It’s my whole world and my full-time job as of two weeks ago! This is my element and I would LOVE to meet you on Sunday – tasters available of COURSE! . #nutbutter #homemade #peanutfree #organic #noaddedsugar #noaddedoil #glutenfree #cashewbutter #walnutbutter #hazelnutbutter #warwick #bristolfood @papadeli @preservefoodsbristol @naturalgrocery.co.uk #foodiesofbristol #bristolbased #madeinuk #nutbutterfan #dateandwalnut #gingerbreadspiced #carobcashew #carob #espressonutbutter #realcoffee
Friday 9 Nov 18