Wow, not only is it the 50th anniversary of #earthday, but this amazing article in The Economist features our wall with our incredible @gretathunberg mural, by one and only @jody_artist painted for our 25th anniversary last year. Amazing! 💜🌏 #repost @theeconomist
Fifty years ago today, one-tenth of America’s population took to the streets to demonstrate against environmental degradation. The first Earth Day is credited with the creation of America’s Environmental Protection Agency and led to a suite of legislation including the Clean Air, Clean Water and the Endangered Species Acts.
These days climate activists can be found on streets around the world—when they are not in pandemic lockdowns. Green activism is being led by the young—a generation who will be particularly affected by climate change. This new generation of climate activists have found their leader in Greta Thunberg, a Swedish teenager. The school strikes she inspired in 2019 were the first globally coordinated school walk-outs in the name of climate change.
Civil-disobedience campaigns staged by Extinction Rebellion, a climate action group, have struck a nerve in countries from Britain to Australia. Their protests brought parts of London to a halt for 11 days in April 2019. Protesters decry a lack of government action and call for emissions to end by 2025. They also emphasise personal responsibility: big-picture structural change must go hand-in-hand with efforts to reduce our own ecological footprints.
Shifting the world’s fuel palette from black to green will take time. But as demand for fossil fuels plunges during the coronavirus pandemic, we have a glimpse of the shape a greener, cleaner future might take. Click the link in our bio to read about the history and politics of climate change, and why activism is essential to achieving a carbon-zero future. #EarthDay2020 #EconClimateBriefs
What’s in the photos:
1) Chemical deforestation in the Amazon. Credit: Cris Bouroncle/AFP/Getty Images
2) Santi Visalli/Getty Images
3) Ilya Naymushin/Reuters
4) Wildfires devastated Australian states including New South Wales in 2019. Credit: Matthew Abbott/Panos Pictures